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Edison Agbandje
Jul 5, 20232 min read
Notes from 1st July Members Live Call: African Creation story and the role of the Orishas
Notes: For those who missed the call on the 1st July or wish to relive the discussions, the recording of the Members Call will be...
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Edison Agbandje
Jun 6, 20232 min read
Spirituality vs Religion
It has always been simple, you are the observer who cannot observe yourself, you can only observe your creations. That is why we refer to yo
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Edison Agbandje
Jun 6, 20232 min read
Is life really just a dream?
As your ancestors are your guides, who can see the secrets of the past and the future of your chosen game, your reconnection to them .......
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Edison Agbandje
Jun 6, 20232 min read
Human AI
There is an intelligence within that enables me to live as a human being. It is processing what, I see, hear, smell and touch....
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Edison Agbandje
Feb 13, 20233 min read
Black youth
A young black boy is an anomaly to the world. Young boys from other cultures have it hard too, however, the system has options with less...
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Edison Agbandje
Feb 6, 20232 min read
The wise fool appreciates the limitation of their environment
The wise fool appreciates the limitation of their environment. As the wise can act like a fool, it is not so easy for the fool to act...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 30, 20232 min read
A woman is looking for a story she can hang her heart on and call home
A man is looking for a love that he can trust and call his very own. Love is more than an idea, more than a feeling, it is an expression...
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Edison Agbandje
Dec 19, 20221 min read
Women do not need to read to know
Women do not need to read to know, they do not need to hear to understand, they do not need to see to recognise something is not right....
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 28, 20222 min read
A woman is looking for a story... A man is looking for a love that he can trust...
A woman is looking for a story she can hang her heart on and call home. A man is looking for a love that he can trust and call his very...
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 21, 20222 min read
Slavery is mind deep
Slavery is mind deep. It begins with the story, which has been designed to give you a position in a reality that is yours, however, you...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 31, 20222 min read
Meta Verse
Many are waiting for a Meta verse that has already arrived. We have been waiting to hear the term to be released before we start to...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 10, 20222 min read
Impressing her
I only want to impress her, the woman that I love. I need to hold her imagination as hard as I hold her body. She shows how she feels...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 3, 20222 min read
Love is more than an idea
Love is more than an idea, more than a feeling, it is an expression of energy from a part of yourself you can`t control. It can spread...
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Edison Agbandje
Jul 25, 20222 min read
Soul time
We all radiate our energy like Sun in the imagined sky. Who we are not only travels before us, it interacts with events we are yet to...
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Edison Agbandje
Jul 18, 20221 min read
Branded World
You build your life on the platform of who you think you are. If you don't own the story behind your platform, you are limited to the...
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Edison Agbandje
Jul 11, 20222 min read
Our mind
Our mind is the chair that our consciousness watches the most epic movie, that we also refer to as our lives. The plot is full of...
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Edison Agbandje
Jun 13, 20222 min read
How does your mental perfume smell?
How does your mental perfume smell, as each thought creates its own energy aroma, which is subconsciously infused and interpreted by all...
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Edison Agbandje
May 21, 20222 min read
Men fall in love with a hoped future. Women fall in love with a potential one
We seek love in unique ways, as we have unique needs, that are similar but not quite the same. Trust and fidelity holds the man together,...
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Edison Agbandje
May 19, 20222 min read
Many of our eager actions have to be blocked by our Ancestors...
We tend to feed the calls of the flesh before we listen to the requests from our soul. We passionately claim to be right continuously, we...
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Edison Agbandje
May 16, 20222 min read
Does what you want always workout for the best
Does what you want always workout for the best. What you need often takes second place to what feels good or to what might make you feel...
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