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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20213 min read
You are not spiritually alone
The #mysteries of this #world are not just buried in our #soul; they can also be found within our bodies. As we seek to travel to places...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20211 min read
I am without a date of origin
I am without a date of #origin. My body's presence has been measured by clock time. When you can observe a thing, the object of your...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20214 min read
The Universe is within me...
We are born into a scripted storyline. We look out from our eyes at a world that has been meretriciously designed. The characters of...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20215 min read
Within her we can find the mysteries to this world
We take for granted our #journey to this world. We travel through the river of un-manifested dark matter #consciousness as we search for...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20213 min read
Never give up, let your spirit grow
In a world where #wealth not #wisdom is the most desired quality. Where the top is rotten, so you need to be rotten to get to the top....
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20215 min read
As I awake, now I can see
As my #soul travels back into my body and my eyes open to take in the #wisdom found in the light. It takes a moment for everything to...
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 9, 20205 min read
In the beginning...
In the beginning was the word and the word was God. The term personality, can be broken down to explain that, through sound we experience...
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 1, 20201 min read
An Ancestral #Prayer
I ask my strong and powerful #Ancestors which I have in my blood, my #spirit and my #soul, to come forward and #protect me against my...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Experience teaches us wisdom
Experience teaches us #wisdom was not talking about how many times you have traveled around the Sun. We have created a paradox where we...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 20, 20202 min read
How can I win a game, I am not supposed to win?
Nowadays we tend to live on #hope alone, the brave try and the weak live off the better nature of others. How can I #win a game, I am not...
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Edison Agbandje
Sep 26, 20201 min read
#Meditation is a conversation between our #mind and the #wisdom of our #soul. As the invisible world creates the visible one, we do not...
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Edison Agbandje
Aug 5, 20202 min read
How can I win a game, I am not supposed to win?
Nowadays we tend to live on hope alone, the brave try and the weak live off the better nature of others. How can I win a game, I am not...
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Edison Agbandje
Jul 1, 20201 min read
I am without a date of origin
I am without a date of #origin. My body's presence has been measured by clock time. It can download understandings previously concluded...
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Edison Agbandje
May 21, 20205 min read
Being the One
Being the one unfortunately does not feel like being in #love. From the day you realised you were here, you tried to, you wanted to,...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 2, 20205 min read
The mysteries of this world
The #mysteries of this #world are not just buried in our #soul, they can also be found within our bodies. As we seek to travel to places...
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