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Edison Agbandje
May 21, 20222 min read
Men fall in love with a hoped future. Women fall in love with a potential one
We seek love in unique ways, as we have unique needs, that are similar but not quite the same. Trust and fidelity holds the man together,...
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Edison Agbandje
May 19, 20222 min read
Many of our eager actions have to be blocked by our Ancestors...
We tend to feed the calls of the flesh before we listen to the requests from our soul. We passionately claim to be right continuously, we...
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Edison Agbandje
May 16, 20222 min read
Does what you want always workout for the best
Does what you want always workout for the best. What you need often takes second place to what feels good or to what might make you feel...
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Edison Agbandje
May 14, 20222 min read
Ancestral Essence Know Thy Self Foundation Course starts on the 22nd May 2022
This course has been long awaited and will be the only time we will run this Course this year. Natural delays as result of the pandemic,...
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Edison Agbandje
May 12, 20222 min read
Our ancestors are not myths, they have always been active in our lives
We grow into our body's, we grow into our minds, we try to repair our life story, we pray for help from outside. We have questions as to...
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Edison Agbandje
May 9, 20222 min read
Good food from our own thoughts is essential to keep you mentally healthy
With all the thoughts we have in our mind, we still only have one mouth to express them. Today always arrives the next day, our...
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Edison Agbandje
May 7, 20222 min read
The word Magi is used to describe the word Wise.
Magic comes from the word magi. The word Magi is used to describe the word Wise. We are the ones who conjure up what we see within, we...
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Edison Agbandje
May 5, 20222 min read
Imagine being told you are a million years old
That your body dies, however your consciousness survives. How would you use such information, what would you change if you knew your...
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Edison Agbandje
May 3, 20222 min read
What came first your thoughts or your actions?
As nothing happens by accident, how much of our internal deliberations creates our external situations, we witness in our lives. Who...
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Edison Agbandje
May 1, 20223 min read
We are places more than we are people
We are places more than we are people, our ability to reason with ourselves is determined by the ideas we allow to mould our external...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 30, 20224 min read
Love for our family is innate, love for everything is else conditional
Do we fall in love with the person or do we fall in love with how we feel when we are with the person? Love is a drug that we are all...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 28, 20222 min read
We are born with a clean slate
Your body is the environment that your consciousness lives in. Your story is your version of the world and your mind is your own personal...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 27, 20221 min read
Our thoughts are the food we consume the most
They design our emotions which our body drinks as feelings. We are junkies for love, we are junkies for pain, these are our creations...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 25, 20223 min read
Recovery is what we need
External drugs break your connection with your consciousness and your natural emotional connections with your body. The drugs can create...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 24, 20222 min read
Who do we need to copy to convince them to approve us?
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval of self. To ape is to copy, to prove is to convince. Who do we need to copy to...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 23, 20222 min read
An ugly soul can hide behind many faces.
As beauty is an inheritance, we rarely thank our parents for. We are more likely to fall in love with what we feel than what we know. Our...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 22, 20223 min read
Can you really love yourself when you do not know who you really are?
It’s enough, my peace is wealth, the silence is golden as I withdraw from what I can't control. The battle is real, the enemy is...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 20, 20222 min read
Are we made in the image of God or are we made in the image of our Ancestors?
One version requires no evidence, the other requires belief. I trust my ancestors as I see them in the mirror every day when I look at my...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 19, 20222 min read
Without a woman, this life is not as enjoyable
Women do not need to read to know, they do not need to hear to understand, they do not need to see to recognise something is not right....
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 18, 20222 min read
The power has always been with you.
We are the original internal creators and we have been convinced to sacrifice ourselves to save the idea of mankind. Education, religion...
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