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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20211 min read
Man & Woman
A Measured #man who knows himself, desire`s a deeper #love. He wants an #equal, a #muse, a best #friend, a #divine #feminine #refection...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20216 min read
I am the I. I am not the Am.
I am the I. I am not the Am. I am not black, not white, not male, and not female, not a Christian and I am not a Muslim. When I look...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20215 min read
I am whatever you say I am
I only see the paintings that are reflections of my #mind. The world outside is just one still big image. Our mind is the things that...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20216 min read
Fall back in love with yourself, to be at peace within
#Love and #Sex are not as related as we now have become so comfortable to accept. The quest for sex has in many cases been masqueraded...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20215 min read
As I awake, now I can see
As my #soul travels back into my body and my eyes open to take in the #wisdom found in the light. It takes a moment for everything to...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20211 min read
Love of a Father
The smile of a #father lasts a lifetime in the mind of a little girl. It gives her sense of belonging, a confidence in hope and a pure...
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Edison Agbandje
Dec 6, 20203 min read
Inside me is me
Inside me is me. It tells me that there is something not quite right with me. My #desire to know why comes from deeper in me, the need to...
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 1, 20201 min read
An Ancestral #Prayer
I ask my strong and powerful #Ancestors which I have in my blood, my #spirit and my #soul, to come forward and #protect me against my...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 13, 20202 min read
Love is more than a drug, more than a feeling, more than a way of life
#Love is more than an idea, more than a feeling, it is an #expression of #energy from a part of yourself you can`t control. It can spread...
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Edison Agbandje
Aug 5, 20202 min read
How can I win a game, I am not supposed to win?
Nowadays we tend to live on hope alone, the brave try and the weak live off the better nature of others. How can I win a game, I am not...
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Edison Agbandje
May 21, 20205 min read
Being the One
Being the one unfortunately does not feel like being in #love. From the day you realised you were here, you tried to, you wanted to,...
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