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Edison Agbandje
Apr 17, 20222 min read
Which one is you from all the voices you hear within you?
Which voice brings you peace? Which voice encourages you and tells you that you can do it? Which voice helps you battle and overcome the...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 17, 20221 min read
I am the I, everything else is just my personal dream life creation
I am the intelligence, the understanding, the creative force behind my experience. I am not matter; I create matter. I existed before...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 17, 20222 min read
Travel to your own internal cosmic world
Eyes closed, mind focused and consciousness engaged. Time to travel to your own internal cosmic world. Our dreams are just journeys to...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 17, 20222 min read
Language is a religion
Language is a religion; we claim it is ours yet it was given to us by others. It impacts so much on our levels of consciousness that we...
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Edison Agbandje
Apr 14, 20221 min read
When you control time, you control movement.
When you control movement, you control direction. When you control direction, you control outcome and when you control outcome you...
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Edison Agbandje
Mar 10, 20222 min read
Today is the 50th anniversary of the transition of my Grandfather to the realm of the Ancestors. He was an incredible man. A chief, a...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20212 min read
Look for the God within you
The deeper you are rooted in the #illusion, the less inclined you are to look for the #God within you. We have a saying, the Rich person...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20216 min read
I am the I. I am not the Am.
I am the I. I am not the Am. I am not black, not white, not male, and not female, not a Christian and I am not a Muslim. When I look...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 20, 20215 min read
#Meditative is always our current state of #mind, we are constantly evaluating our thoughts as we search for ideas that make us happy. ...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20215 min read
I am whatever you say I am
I only see the paintings that are reflections of my #mind. The world outside is just one still big image. Our mind is the things that...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20216 min read
Fall back in love with yourself, to be at peace within
#Love and #Sex are not as related as we now have become so comfortable to accept. The quest for sex has in many cases been masqueraded...
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Edison Agbandje
Jan 18, 20211 min read
Love of a Father
The smile of a #father lasts a lifetime in the mind of a little girl. It gives her sense of belonging, a confidence in hope and a pure...
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Edison Agbandje
Nov 2, 20205 min read
"You cannot win if you are not right within"
The bigger the lie the easier it is to believed. As we survive by creating better day fantasies we no longer appreciate how much control...
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Edison Agbandje
Oct 2, 20202 min read
The best version of you is waiting for you to please stand up
It is not just what you say that is important, it's the tone of voice #energy you use to say it with that also matters. It is not just...
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Edison Agbandje
Sep 26, 20201 min read
#Meditation is a conversation between our #mind and the #wisdom of our #soul. As the invisible world creates the visible one, we do not...
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Edison Agbandje
Aug 12, 20203 min read
Silence is required on the outside as well as within
We need to close our eyes to shut down the world outside; we need to cease our inner dialogue. We do not appreciate that our thoughts are...
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Edison Agbandje
Aug 8, 20201 min read
Pieces of a dream...
Pieces of a #dream is now what I understand my waking life to be. My #mind can travel further than my body can ever imagine. I close my...
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Edison Agbandje
Jul 9, 20203 min read
Our education was designed
In the movie Inception, the premises of the flicker show was to try to implant a concept so deep into the target's creative...
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