The bigger the lie the easier it is to believed. As we survive by creating better day fantasies we no longer appreciate how much control of our lives has been taken away in the name of progress and security.
Protecting of our way of life is great if you feel like you fit in, however, many of us have to shrink who we are to fit into a place we have not been made to feel welcome.
When your intelligence is not required and only your obedience is respected, it is easy to see why we feel so drained as a result of playing this game.

When you become a rebel for just thinking for yourself, the saying can we all just get along often translate to, can you just be quiet, let us shine and just do as you are told.
The wicked are unfortunately reigning, as we now seek permission from those who stole their position. Morality is now prescribed by those who have committed the worse crimes against mankind.
God never made the concept of money, man did and such people require you to change who you are as well as worship them, before you are deemed worthy to receive it.
This reality design started at the beginning of time, when you appreciate that the 7-day week is a belief system created by religion.
As you awake and then open your eyes each morning, your first action is to quickly search for the time, so you can unthinkingly mentally clock back into the matrix.
The war on the mind began when you were a child. We were given a skin colour, a class status, a gender bias, a religion and a in fear of authority complex.
The labellers became our handlers as we had no need to doubt all the lies they told us as they stole our identity and our #history from right under our noses.
A fair and balanced playing field was never part of any plan, to destroy the child identity confidence would maintain that the reality designers stay in control. The greatest theft of all is when you want praise for a history your ancestors did not make.
Know thy self has been replaced by know thy place. Go within to found yourself has been replaced with #pray and wait.
The reason why people become so offended when you challenge religion is that you are attacking their hope. A tremendous amount of our own self-love has been poured into these concepts and as we were never allowed to know our own self power, many cannot see another option for them to be saved. To be fair you cannot blame them, these positions were not created by accident
I have to admit that I am not a fan of those who say just go within, they often never quite explain what it is and what it should look like.
The religious programming has been designed to be hypnotic and is unrelenting in the suggested persecution of those who do not follow the path.
The hardest part of the classes that I teach is the breaking of the external god spell. Everyone is so used saying I believe in a god who created the earth, the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees and also me. I merely ask how and why would one being create so many variations of everything, why would one thing do all of that.
Sadly, as the concept is an uploaded mental program, people do not know how (not part of the program), the just say I believe and look at you blank.
When I ask what can you create, they answer nothing. Sadly, they have surrender who they are and the create power they use in every moment of every day, has been handed over to these religious ideas.
We have been so mentally malnourished we struggle to speak for ourselves, unfortunately, there are those that can only repeat what they have been told.
In truth is, all starts with your voice, your internal voice that is. We are not our internal voice, if you can hear your voice, does that not make it separate from you.
We have not been made aware of how we create that internal voice and how we could not experience our lives without it.
Learning the uses and how to control your internal voice opens up different departments in our #mind and enables us to have more control of our internal conversations.
Quiet is kept, the drum was always used in #Ancient cultures as away to communicate with their understanding of the #spirit world. As to my understanding the spirit world is where your spirit resides. This is not complicated as is just the world behind your eyes.
We have not been taught how our own spirit is our largest physical and mental energy source provider. How our minds are the operating system using our brain as a storage unit and how our consciousness and spirit uses our inner voice as a way to communicate with each other.
Our #consciousness creates the sound (inner voice) and then directs the sound into our spirit and awaits the sound (inner voice) to return back the answer.
The art of thinking is really just asking the question within ourselves and hoping you hear the answer in your head before you verbally state it.
You have never thought about anything, you have merely asked and hoped you receive an answer.
We are wholly reliant on that inner voice as we use it not only to ask questions, we also use for our internal rationalisation conversations.
In truth, we have always been practicing our own spirituality every time we speak or are debating within ourselves.
There are so many uses for this internal voice. As you may appreciate, sound is the noise made as a result of the clashing of at least two objects.
When you create your inner voice, would the idea of an energy membrane being hit by your consciousness energy possible be the way you are making those sounds.
Is this something we could liken to drum and if so could we call it the original talking drum. Could it be maybe the way we can communicate with our own spirit world?
#Spirituality has always been about how you learn to master your own spirit world, how you can communicate with your organs, how you create and control your emotions, how you create the programs to provide instructions to your actions and how you learn to speak to your ancestors.
All of this is what you have always been doing all your life. Unfortunately, you have been encouraged to give your power away to external religious ideas.
The silence has to be broken as you cannot win if you are not right within.