It is not everything you can tell everybody. There are things that are hard to explain to those who have not experienced the same. We want to talk to someone who has the patience to listen, more importantly we want to explain details to someone who has no judgement and allow us to speak as ourselves.
Mental health is the most important for health. Mental scars last longer than a physical one does. Some bad food can cause you some problems for a day or two, some unkind words can cause you an issue for the rest of your life.
We appreciate that all of us have a collection of different internal personalities. The issue when stressed is keeping some of those personalities under control. We understand how this process works within us and how to help you quieten down these personalities to get some power to take back control.
There are children who are able to see things and being diagnosed as having a problem, there are adults hearing negative voices from within which they struggle to be able to control.
We understand these things and can help identify what is actually happening and work with you to regain some healthy balance and to start to build your life without having to hear those voices any more.
We have been privately counselling people over 20 years on these matters and we want everyone to have this opportunity. Mental health will rise in importance, as a result of everything that is currently happening in this world.
The minimum age to book a Spiritual Counselling session is 18 years old. Parents would need to be present for anyone who needs assistance under that age.
Please check the available dates to book reading, payment in advance required. We require 2 days’ notice if you need to cancel your reading. This gives someone else the opportunity to book that space on short notice.
I lost count of the number of levels we took, there was always the yearning to learn more.
And I can personally tell you. We still wouldn't mind a class or 2 or 3.. for the advanced advanced class. Hint hint!! I laugh to myself when I think how I stalked Edison for 2 days at first. I received his information from my friend ivie, she knew I would connect with this brother.
I felt this urgency that I couldn't describe (ancestral energy already at work). Anyway I got through, and we spoke. My mind was crazyyyy with joy, rubbing my hands together I said to myself yes!!! This i will face, kid you not I literally dived straight into it. I knew this would address and clarify my journey, of my family and community as a whole.
What really ignited this on going process for me is the first time I consciously connected to my grandmother. Yes!!! she been speaking on and directing my process since a child. This significant acknowledgment pushed me forward to return deeper within myself.
"You are not your body" I cried with relief the first time I heard Edison say it, knowing this feeling I had as a child was confirmation. These courses will present to you your selves, all of what is required to effectively carry out what you contracted to do before you go here in the first place. Ancestral Essence in a very very unquie way provided gateways into the spiritual world. Up to this hour everything I'm seeing is confirmation of what I already learnt in the courses. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Affectionately Edison always reminded us, "Im only reminding you of who, what, and where you truly are"
Breaking the ice
One off session
Length: 80 minutes
Online: Zoom
PRICE: £250
Getting to know you
3 sessions in 4 weeks
Length: Introductory call 80 min long - Further calls are 60 min
Online: Zoom
After each session you will get homework, which will be followed up on the next session
PRICE: £700
Discovery &
Self development
9 sessions in 3 months
Length: Introductory call 80 min long - Further calls are 60 min
Online: Zoom
After each session they will get homework, which will be followed up on the next session
PRICE: £2150
1 hr 30 min
250 British pounds1 hr 30 min
750 British pounds1 hr 30 min
2,150 British pounds